Category No. 27: Out of the Box Concept 2023



Crane + Peters for
La Pietra Hawai`i School for Girls

Honolulu, HI USA
Grades 6-12, Girls Day

LOVE the cards and the wonderfully written quotes. The cards are a beautiful keepsake that can be used for events, marketing, admissions gifts, place settings at tables, etc. Wonderful way to tell your school's story with tangible take-home materials.

This content appears to target potential students by employing connecting language, social proof, case studies, and program highlights to vividly illustrate the experience of attending and excelling at this school.

Loved the way this beautiful admission piece highlights alumnae while seeking to engage with future students in meaningful ways. Super well done!

Shelly Peters
Joanna Duryea
Chanda Grubbs

McCallie School

Chattanooga, TN USA
Grades 6-12, Boys Boarding and Day

Would I send my kids to McCallie based on this video? #$%$#$ yes!

This video had me and my kids rolling on the floor with laughter! Absolutely! Every educator should get their moment in a video like this. They're as important as any pop singer or pro athlete, right? I adore how this school made a fun showcase of their teachers and staff. It's a fantastic way to make the faculty feel appreciated, and I bet the parents, students, and even prospective families loved it too. I'll confess, I couldn't resist watching it twice!

This video was fun and original! The concept was totally out-of-the-box and emphasized how cool the teachers are McCallie — a homerun!

Brandon Roberts

Metric Marketing for
Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School

West Okotoks, Alberta Canada
K-12, Coed Day

A lot of thoughtfulness went into a campaign that works from multiple angles. Very well executed.

The positive message of "Yes...And" becoming STAND feels wonderfully optimistic! The simplified logo is a great way to have the potential families ask deeper questions about its meaning. I can see this logo working in any color palette.

The vibrant colors, strong branding, and the use of "YES" were truly motivating. I'm confident they'll grab the interest of both prospective and current families. With everything from the computer stickers to the vivid and daring website, this brand is poised to stand out in the market. It would have been great to see more photos and videos featuring current students and social proof incorporated into the website for added impact.

Lara Unsworth
Alanna Wellwood
Daniel Yorsh
Dipto Saha
Samantha McEwan
Tyler Persaud

Lindsay Wright
Ryan Story